It amazes me how no one seems to pay attention any more to the political scene. Just pick a candidate without even knowing much about them. Ignore all the freaking censorship on the airwaves. Why can't people see where this goes?
OK, first, we have a president who has basically doubled the size of government (Patriot Act, anyone? OK, what about No Child Left Behind?). We're also involved in a war that doesn't even really have a purpose. What the HELL does Iraq have to do with 9/11?!?! (The answer is nothing. We though it did, but once we learned it didn't, we just keep on pushin' on anyway for absolutely no reason at all) Plus, we're running up a budget deficit like no one has ever seen before!!! Come on, people! The Real I.D. program? Hello? You're gonna keep track of us with our driver's licenses through a microchip? Not only are you invading privacy, but you're forcing states to use a National Driver's license (What about the Tenth Amendment?)!!
Second, we have a field of presidential candidates who aren't worth two cents (except for the censored one, I'll get to that later)
On the Democratic side, we first have Hillary, who, with HillaryCare, wants to own the health of your child. Plus, all of her other ideas she's put forth sound very 1984... (Read her book (Large TV's in public places showing you how to raise a child?!? WTF??!?? (I hear big brother calling...)))
And then there's Obama, who with three years of D.C. experience (3 YEARS? AND WAS ONLY IN THE ILLINOIS SENATE FROM 1997-2005?!? HOW THE HELL IS HE QUALIFIED? (AND HAVE YOU EVER HEARD HIM SPEAK ABOUT FOREIGN POLICY?? I DON'T EVEN THINK HE KNOWS WHAT FOREIGN POLICY IS!!!)) is in no way qualified. And in the end, he is severely a socialist. Let's look at his tax plan. First of all, the only thing you'll see on his website about it is his series of tax credits for the middle class, which, is an admirable plan. Here's the catch: Instead of just decreasing taxes and not raise any, he's going to raise taxes on the rich. Now, while that might not sound bad, look at the facts. The group that injects the most money into the economy, and really keeps the wheels on it, is the wealthy. Plus, Reagan more than proved the theory of trickle-down economics. He changed the face of our country through it. When he cut taxes on the rich, the rich spent more, more money went down to the lower classes, and in the end, everyone had more money. This still goes on today in parts of our country. In Florida, stone masons are getting the ability to buy $80,ooo cars, because the rich commissioned them to build stone houses, and payed them a lot of money for it. Trickle-down works! Why doesn't Obama realize that? OK, Obama on education. He wants to (taken directly from his website) "Expand early childhood education, Improve our schools, and Produce more math and science graduates." Now, this sounds great, but over its whole life, the Department of Education has NEVER helped school districts. No matter what you do or say you want to do, the DoE is a waste of taxpayer's money that has done nothing but create standardized tests that happen to show nothing of if our schools are successful or not because they custom tailor the tests to each state depending on how dumb or smart it is. Anyway, expanding mandatory schooling to the K level is very much dictatorial and an invasion. For children that young, it should be the parent's decision. I don't know why Obama doesn't actually think of choices and the taxpayer. (Remember that any government programs dealing with school have ended badly and in stagnation (NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND!!!!!!! HELLOOOOOO!!! WHY DOESN'T ANYONE SEE THAT OBAMA'S DANG PLAN IS NOTHING BUT AN EXPANSION OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!) Don't even get me started on his Healthcare plan. That'd take a book. I'm sorry, I've spent too much time on this extremely socialist but extremely charismatic 1 1/2 term senator who doesn't understand foreign policy or the economy.
Oh, and as an important side note, I think it's important to note that both Hillary and Obama have said that they will not promise to withdraw all troops from Iraq by 2013.
OK, time for the big government soon to be practically fascist-socialist Republicans. First, there's Mister "Oh look at my hair because I don't want you to realize that I'm a worse panderer than John Kerry". All this man can do (Mitt Romney) is pander pander pander. No one can really know what he believes, because he changes it all the time!! What the hell? Plus, he fully supports the Vietnam Take II (The Iraq War).
And my least favorite, Mister "When I'm president we're gonna have a theocracy". How anyone could really listen to Huckabee and support him is beyond me. He supports the Federal Marriage Amendment, changes his position on illegal immigration based on what crowd he's pandering to, and while he says he supports the Fair Tax, his record in Arkansas would like to disagree. Plus, he gives no credence to science or evolution, and probably wants to expel everyone from this country who isn't a freaking Christian.
And there's Mister "9/11 Tourette's" who all he ever talks about is his handling of New York city on 9/11. I'll tell you something you probably didn't know. He wasn't the one who handled New York so well. He had practically nothing to do with it. It was his police chief who did everything for him. Plus, he supports gun control (Bye, bye, 2nd Amendment!).
And of course there's McCain and Thompson, but the first is too crazy and old and the second is too lazy, so I won't waste time on them.
And then, there's Ron Paul. The only candidate out of everyone in the field who really wants to make the National Big Brother Government smaller. The only one who will pull us out of Vietnam Take II. Wants to dismantle the CIA, the Fed, the DoE, the Department of Fear (aka Homeland Security) I could go on. The only one out of the Congressional-bound presidential candidates who has rejected the Congressional Pension Program. An OBGYN who has personally paid for all of the visits of his patients on Medicaid, out of the knowledge of how broken the system is. Never voted to raise taxes. Never voted for the Iraq War. Never voted for the Patriot Act. The only candidate who actually follows The Constitution. I could keep on going on, or you could go to
So that's my rant, I'll probably do more later.
Looks like censorship is at it again.