Sunday, August 31, 2008

The return of Numbers

I know. It has been probably a month or two since I gave an update on our views. I decided a few weeks ago that I would wait for a special occasion to finally start up again. An occasion that I feel is special, has occurred. Let's look at the views.
Video views are up to 40,622. Channel views are up to 1,693. Subscribers are up to 23.
The occasion was that we broke the 40,000 total view mark. Exciting huh? The new subscribers is pretty cool too. Anyway, I hope everyone has a nice Labor Day.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I Aboslutely Swear

I Absolutely absolutely swear that new stuff is coming. Like actual movies in things. Yeah, our first in a long time. But it's coming. Absolutely absolutely absolutely we are going to have new stuff hopefully by the end of the month.

Some End of the Summer Reading

Probably everyone needs to read these.  It gives you a great idea of the cause of our current economic woes: