Sunday, March 9, 2008

Conservatism Is Absolutely Not What You Think

So just recently, William F. Buckley, whom many consider to be the father of modern Conservatism, died. But true Conservatism, what he represented, is not what most people think of when they hear Conservative. Most people today think of interventionism, preemptive war (i.e. Iraq War), stricter drug laws, and "morals" (or a kind of perverted definition of it) such as the Federal Marriage Amendment. Well, William F. Buckley is much different. He represents real true Conservatism, which the over zealous religious right has totally pushed out of the Republican party. William F. Buckley was against the Iraq War. He supported the legalization of marijuana. He was against the Federal Marriage Amendment. The religious right has hijacked the Republican Party. So, this is my idea. We need a new political party based on real Conservatism, libertarianism, and a little bit of anarcho-capitalism. Let's combine the Libertarian Party, the Republican Liberty Caucus, the Jefferson Republican Party, some of the Blue Dog Democrats, some of the Reform Party, and the Marijuana Party. Let's form a real force of Libertarianism in America. Even though Ron Paul (whom I still extremely support and would like for him to head this new party) thinks that we can take back the Republican Party, I think it might be too late. We're gonna have to form our own. Let's do it for Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan. Let's do it for William F. Buckley. Let's get back to real Conservatism, which in truth, is nothing more than the most driving boot-straps philosophy of them all: libertarianism.

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