Saturday, October 27, 2007

Leopard Log: Day 1

So for the next few weeks or more (Depends on how long it takes for me to get tired of doing this or lose interest.) I will be updating the world on how each day goes by using Leopard.
Well today was great. The first full day of use and everything is rolling just fine. The Wallpapers are amazing, I can't seem to decide which one I want to use. I don't see how I, or anyone, survived without quicklook. It really makes finding documents and other file types easy and is a great complement to the Coverflow view. Though I don't use Coverflow in iTunes I love the way it works in Finder. Spaces has been a dream. It is very easy to use and is surprisingly useful to the everyday consumer. Time Machine is great as well. I have found myself deleting files on purpose just to watch them be brought back. It is very simple and easy to use and looks great. So those things are all great but we have one "snag" for today. In my Applications stack I made the first app and the app that shows up as the icon was Address Book. I noticed just a second ago that it was a strange bright blue-greenish color, definately not what it was supposed to be. I had been deleting some apps when I noticed it, but nothing was wrong with the way the icon looked in the Finder and I hadn't deleted any important app that would control this. So it may be due to the major changes I made to the folder and therfore the stack but it doesn't effect anything else. I will see if the icon has fixed itself tomorrow, but for now I am using a different ordering so it doesn't show up. Overall the first day of Leopard has been great, it is tons of fun to show to my family and friends.

1 comment:

Mystic Teacup Project said...

time machine time machine time machine time machine time machine time machine time machine