Wednesday, December 12, 2007

"If you don't write an entry, I'll eat your face" or something to that nature...

Hey guys, its a NEW BLOGGER! I haven't been blogging cause I'm lazy, but I hope to make up for it in this entry. My associate did semi-threaten me to blog something so bare (bear?) with me while I state my blogging rules. From this point on, grammar does not matter that much (neither does common sense). So lets begin with life. I have exams coming up tomorrow (which is of course why I'm not studying, but instead blogging). I've never really had major exams since I'm new to my school so it'll probably be awful. Of course, my lack of sleep have caused me to have dangerous violent thoughts towards the creator of exams along with the cravings of a pregnant woman and a disturbing fetish for the french band called Yelle. To be honest, I would like to go back in time (or whenever) to meet the guy who made exams and tie him to a tree and let muskrats slowly eat his face while I show him the horror he has created. Or better yet, I could use telepathy to make him completely hysterically mad. Either way, we'd still have exams because if it wasn't that guy, its another, I'm only one plus murder to add to my list (just kidding). The reason for this, is because despite our 'democratic' (cough fascist/ communist cough) society, humans have the strange desire to test each other rigorously simply because they had to do it when they were young. So clearly, the only solution is to destroy/ erase the minds of the people who have taken exams and then get rid of them. Then, no one would feel obliged to force these exams on people. Despite this we'd still all have to do other things we don't like. For instance, eating casserole. I once met a man who forced me to eat spinach casserole every day for all my meals. This was when I was (a classified location) while doing my former job has a secret political figure. Of course, it was a good job: nice private jets, unlimited power without getting blamed, etc., but still all I remember was checking my long emails. I would so many emails to check. Every day! And you know what most of them were?!?!?! CHAIN MAILS! I HATE CHAIN MAILS!!! You get these chain mails that are like "Hi, I'm a kid with cancer. The more you forward this, the more money Make- A - Wish donates to my surgery to LIVE." And of course everyone sends it to each other in a perpetual, never-ending cycle. So every day you have to send it to everyone. Of course, you say "Why not just not send it, random blogging person/ procrastinator?" Well, I'll tell you, horrible, cancer-kid killing reader. IF YOU DON'T SEND THE MESSAGE, YOU ARE DOOMED TO LIVE WITH THE GUILT THAT YOU COULD HAVE JUST KILLED THAT CANCER KID!! And sure it might not exist at all, but what if it does? The guilt of some cute little kid coming up as a ghost it too much to bear. Of course, I guess the point of all this is maybe more than exams: I HATE SPINACH CASSEROLE. But of course that does keep the incessant thumping out my head that continuely says "Spinach Casserole for dinner tonight!" or "Exams tomorrow!" With that, I truly must study. (p.s. everything you have read probably just lowered your IQ. haha if you're taking exams!) (p.p.s. any unethical thing i said should be taken with a smile. Just imagine patting my head while I'm in a straight jackey)

1 comment:

Mystic Teacup Project said...

Walker, you are an absolutely awesome blogger. Keep it up. (Leighton)